Thursday 20 June 2013

by piggy raymond morelli, pathetic stupid bear sub.See, download & repost its albums bellow! See the links! piggy's videos on my sites...

piggy raymond morelli is an owned sub fag of Sir Philippe. There is a saying "better lucky than smart". This stupid pathetic fat old cunt fag is very lucky to have become owned by such a capable demanding individual as Sir Philippe. The handsome young strong demanding Sir truly takes pleasure in dominating, abusing and mistreating males. Sir Philippe is building His own network of sites/groups and uses them and over a hundred more to expose and humiliate His sub fags. He also has a sense of humor - which is a good thing for pathetic fags like this one whose only value is in being a source of amusement. His direction of, humiliation of and exposure of pathetic piggy raymond morelli has been extraordinary. The most recent humiliating photoset of "piggy owned by Sir Philippe" photos was spread to many sites ( including this one) in a few hours complete with accurate humiliating descriptions. Thank You Sir Philippe for all You are and all You do.
Raymond Morelli has de-evolved into the most worthless of creatures -piggy
raymond morelli -a pathetic fat ugly slut pig with tiny non functional penis who
lives for humiliation. Please download, repost and comment on its pictures so
that it is irrevocably outed  completely so that he will always be identified
as what it is, piggy raymond morelli - pathetic stupid old disgusting cunt fag,
the lowest of all the sub fags owned by Sir Philippe

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